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Tom Barry Retirement/Celebration of Retirees Assn
    Fin Sec/Treas Tom Barry                                                       Tom Barry Jane Dougherty, Jerry Rider, Rich 'Doc' Dougherty

Holiday Party 2021

Annual Outing 2021


Holiday Party  December 18, 2019



Dinner Dance  December 7, 2019  Parsippany Sheraton

Jim Caltaballatta  Dennis Junguzza                                                                  Dave Judovin  Myron Dziubinsky  Domenick Macchia

Holiday Party  December 19, 2018

Dinner Dance  December 1, 2018  Parsippany Sheraton

50 Year Service Awards

LU164 Outing   September 8, 2018  Kruckers Pomona NY


Holiday Party   December 20, 2017

Annual Outing   September 10, 2017

Holiday Party  December 21, 2016


Holiday Party  December 17, 2015

LU 164 Dinner Dance  December 16, 2015

Crossroads/Sheridan  Mahwah NJ

LU 164 Outing  September 17, 2015

Yankee Stadium  August 19, 2015


Holiday Party December 17, 2014


       55+ Year Pin Recipients                                                    50 Year Pin Recipients


Atlantic Highlands Salt Water Fishing Trip August 5, 2014


Holiday Party December 18, 2013

Bob Bachman & Jack Jaccarino                                   Andy Kane, Ken Sullivan & Dick Alderton

Dennis Bartley & Luis Hernandez                                                           Bill Kevish & Jerry Ryder

Carl Voorhees, Gary Margaritunda, & John Biale                                  Bud DeLorenzo, Eddie Werner & John Lillis

  Tech Lou, Disco Dan Swinney, & George Koch                                                          50 Year Pin Recipients

LU 164 Retirees Association Members & Guests                     LU 164 Bus. Mgr. Dan Gumble & Pres. Tom Sullivan


June 19, 2013 Luncheon

Ken Terhune & Bob Backman                                              Ray Skinner & Gary Margaritunda

Roy Lohsen & Lou Melone, Jr.                                  Bill Kevish & Dennis Romano

& Jay Curtiss                                                                   Ron Phillips & Jack Delaney

Joe Hyncik & Jim Learn                                                                              & Charlie Mattson

Lenny Maver, Larry Melone, & Bob Labet                                                     Dan Webster & Paul Conklin              

Financial Secretary Tom Barry           President Rich Dougherty            Recording Secretary Jim Learn


December 19, 2012 Holiday Party

    Myron Dziubinsky, Joe Faber, Dave Judovin                                   Glenn Allen & Bill Ziolkowski                              

Bill Lennahan & Bill Reames                                                   Frank Lerant & Ray Leonard

Otis Prescott, Kevin Doyle, Don Eckhardt                                                Jack Fischer & Jim Caltaballatta

John Takash & Pat Casetta                                                         John McGill & John Stepanian

50, 55, 60, 65, & 75  Presentation of Years of Service Certificate and Pin

June 13, 2012 Meeting

Andy DiPietro & Brian McCorry


June 13, 2012 Child/Grandchild Scholarship Winners

Laura Hopkins, granddaughter of Bob & Doris Hopkins and Family

Casey Slank, granddaughter of Brian McCorry and Family

Shayna Innocenti, daughter of Joe Innocenti

Jim Raymond, grandson of Bob & Phyllis LaGatutta and Family
(pictured with Jim's parents)

Abigal Tythall, granddaughter of Tom & Betty Manzi 


December 14, 2011 Holiday Party

                      Jerry Rider and Bill Price                                        John Biale, Jim Rinyak, John Phlugh, and Eddie Sabol

Jim Learn and Bob Labet                                                     Dan Shader and Jack Herrmann

 Sisto Caponera

Dick Alderton and Jon Lawson                                                   Bob LaGatutta, Kevin Sharpe, and Len Melone


December 14, 2011 Presentation of Years of Service Certificate and Pin

50 Year

55 Year

60 Year

65 Year  John DeBouter, Clay Bailey, and Richard 'Buzz' Dressel

70 Year  John DeBouter, Bob McCormack, 97 year old Chris McCormack, Jim McCormack, and Richard 'Buzz' Dressel


June 2011 Luncheon

Larry Griffin                                                                       Larry Melone 


2011 Grandchild Scholarship Winners

                                                          Amanda Abbott, granddaughter of Sal Rizzo                                 Matt Olsson, grandson of  John & Angie Nappi

                                                        Laura Hopkins, granddaughter of Bob & Doris Hopkins                                                 Matt, Laura & Amanda

                                                       Kaitlyn Tythall, granddaughter of Tom and Betty Manzi                              Kayleigh Burke, granddaughter of Ed Sabo

 Jamaica Golf Trip March 2011


Retirees Holiday Party  December 15, 2010

Chris, Jim and Bob McCormack                                                              Bill Price and Al Fiore

Joe Faber and Rich Hartnett                                                         Don Van and Roger Russoman


Ken Sullivan 80th Birthday  October 2, 2010

                 Ken Sullivan and Howard E Schier Jr                                                                                                                        


                                                                                                                                    2010 Annual Golf Outing




Annual Outing - September 11, 2010

John Ditmars, Richard Tyrpak, and Steve Clarkin

Tom Klingen, Daniel Klingen, Mike Essman

Past President Dave Milazzo and President John DeBouter

Larry Casey, Andy DePietro, and Jim Crane


Atlantic Highlands Fishing Trip 2010


Doo Wop Show May 15, 2010

Eugene Pitt & the Jive Five

John McGill and Ken Terhune

Joel Katz & the Dynamics

Paul Conklin and Bill Kevish

The Sheps

Jerry Rider and Ezio Bioletti


Dominican Republic Golf Trip March 12, 2010


Annual Outing September 12, 2009

Joe Caparelli

Bob Sherwood & Bill Maltham

Jay Curtiss & Bill Young

Bob Turner, Nate Ray, & Art Moore

Paul Allan & Bill Allan

Don White & Ken Sullivan

Jim Flaherty & Dennis Lynch

Eddie Battle & Al Fiore


Atlantic Highlands Fishing Trip 2009


Yankee Stadium Baseball Game July 22, 2009

New Yankee Stadium

Retirees arriving at the game

Bud DeLorenzo & Marilyn Judovin

Great Hall of Yankees

Tom Barry & Eileen Morrison

Retirees enjoying the game


Doo Wop Show May 2, 2009

Dave Judovin, Dan Swinney, and Tom Barry

Emcee "Disco Dan" (Click for video)

Joel Katz & the Dynamics (Click for video)


Myrtle Beach Golf March 2009

Bill Price checking weather

Tom Manzi

Bermuda Cruise October 2008

Clockwise from front left: The Barrys, the Macchias, the Fritschys, and the Dziubinskys

October 21, 2008 Golf Outing


Annual Outing September 13, 2008

Bill Dorn and Joe Barcelona

Steve Roszek and Dan Somers

Bruce Davidson and Dwight Kehoe

Don Lillis Sr. and Jim Hascup


2008 Canadian Fishing Trip

Top row L to R: Pete Licata, Russ Solleder, Bruce Englebrecht, Dan Sommers,
Ray Rokosz, Jon Lawson, Jack Fisher
Middle row L to R: Clay Boyd, Joe Faber, Jim Learn, Dan Shader
Bottom row L to R: Joe Hyncik, Al Fritschy, Bob Collins



October 15, 2007 Golf Outing


2007 Canadian Fishing Trip

Back Row L-R: Jack Fischer, Dan Webster, Pete Licata, Harry Bowen, Bob Collins, Dan Shader,
Ray Rokosz, Jon Lawson, Joe Faber,
Front Row L-R: Steve McCabe, Jim Learn, Joe Hyncik, Dan Somers, Clay Boyd

Annual Outing September 15, 2007

Kester Crawford, George Simmons, Joe Szymanski

Artie Murray and Bus. Mgr. Buzz Dressel

Ray Greeley, Pete Fox, Walter Bailey, Otto Kavenmeyer

Pete McElroy and Paul Conboy

Lenny Gliada, John Lillis, and John Berardi

Fishing Trip August 2007

Bob Collins and Dan Shader

Annual Outing September 16, 2006

Bob Collins and Bill Reames

Joe Faber, 164 Business Manager Richard Dressel, Al Fiore

Bill Manz and Howie Hill

Pete Lolk, Paul Wondoloski, Dave Franklin

Bo Renner, George Koch, Dave Judovin

Ken Terhune and Jim Russo

George Childs and Tony Mastice

Stan Rzeczkowski, Bob Hurley, Doug Getz

Larry Traficanti and Sal Appice

Bob Stead and Larry Fischer

Don White and Ken Sullivan

Dan Webster and Bob McCabe

Greg Mard and Jeff Gallop

Dan Solleder, Tom Manzi, Jim Giesenhaus, Joe Kraus

Len Larson, Bill Pankowski, Dan Murphy

Larry Griffin and Kingsley Thorpe

Meadowlands Racetrack - July 21, 2007

Howie Rubenstein and Nino


                                            Ontario, Canada Fishing Trip - June 2006

L-R: Joe Faber, Steve McCabe, Ray Rokosz, Jim Learn,
Harry Bowen, Bob Collins, Dan Somers
Seated: Dan Shader

Jim Learn and friend


NJ Jackals July 24th 2005

Nick, Tom Barry, and Teresa Rolaf
Tom Barry  


Fishing Trip - August 10, 2005 Atlantic Highlands

Dan Shader

Carl Voorhees, Gary Restaino, and Harry Bowen

 Fishing Trip -  November 16, 2005 Flemish Cap

Top Row: Al "Bear Hunter" Fritschy, Gary "Bloody Hands" Restaino, Dan "Oompa Loompa" Shader
Bottom Row: Carl "The Chief" Voorhees and Frank "Hot Rod" Stefanacci
Picture taken by Jim "Fuhrer" Learn


Local 164 Outing 2005

Former Local 52 Bus. Mgr. Ray Greeley and Bill Kevish

Roger Russoman and Jim Hughes

Frank Albert, Mike Ganucci, Howard Rubenstein

Jim Rider and Jerry Rider


Local 164 Outing 2003

Myron Dziubinsky, Karny Kazanjien, Dominick Macchia

Morris and Frank Marzocca and Bill Price 

Ezio Bialetti, Dennis Junguzza, Andy Geislien


Monthly Luncheon Meeting - LU 164 Retirees

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